Enea Leszno Balloon Cup 2022

Dear Pilots,

On behalf of the Leszno Balloon Club I have pleasure to invite you for 31st Enea Leszno Balloon Cup which take place 07th-10th September 2022. We are happy to inform that our Event Director is Eugenijus Komas from Lithuania. This year we plan to have 7 competition flights and use the Balloon Live system. That means pilots are obliged to organise Balloon Live Sensor and Balloon Live App on their own.

This year Competition Centre will be held in “Ach to tu” Hotel, 26 Balonowa Street. Refuelling is planned on Leszno’s airfield near the CC. Hotel “Ach to tu” invite competitors to use their offer.

Official invitations have been send to pilots by e-mail. If you did not get one, contat with us (zosiaprawicka@wp.pl) and we will send you the e-mail.

Registration deadline is 10th August 2022.

It will be pleasure to host you in Leszno.

Best regards,
Zosia Prawicka,
Organizational Director,
Leszno Balloon Club