

Drodzy Piloci, Oficjele,
W związku z tym, że dyrektor sportowy, Eugenijus Komas, był zmuszony zrezygnować z uczestnictwa w Balonowym Pucharze Leszna, na jego prośbę zamieszczamy kilka słów, które chciał każdemu z Was przekazać.

"My dear friends: organisers, pilots and officials who are planning to be a part of Leszno Cup event this year. I would like to apology all of you! Because of COVID-19 situation in the world and our countries and because of safety regulations in my country, which says that I need to self quarantine for two weeks after visiting Poland, I had to take a hard decision and resign from the duties of Event director this year. I hope you will understand me and excuse. I believe that my deputy director Adam Gruszecki and new ED Krzysztof Borkowski will replace me and will run event at the highest level. It is so sad, that COVID-19 kept us apart this year and I hope that next year we will meet again. Have a nice event, beautiful and challenging flights and safe landings.

Be careful, keep safe yourself, your relatives and friends!

Sincerely yours,

Eugenijus Komas"


fot. Janusz Świerczyński